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  • On lormetazepam

    Posted in - All, Benzodiazepines - 11 June 2010 - No comments

    The risk tolerance, dependence and withdrawal are very low when the drug is used only during 2 to 4 weeks. Lormetazepam is generally a molecule safe and effective when used even longer. A rebound insomnia may, however, occur even after short-term use of 7 days. Some people may be dependent more quickly after a dependence on other drugs sedative hypnotics. Lormetazepam is recommended to use short [...]

  • We learn by dreaming

    Posted in - All, In the press - 11 June 2010 - No comments

    During sleep, the brain remains very active: "When we sleep, it establishes a real dialogue between the different parts, especially between the hippocampus and cortex, very important in learning ". But how this body he remembers things when sleeping? Several studies in rats and humans have shown that neural networks activated during arousal to certain learning réactivaient spontaneously during sleep. Une fois endormi et coupé en partie du monde [...]

  • Benzodiazepines and pregnancy

    Posted in - All, Benzodiazepines - 8 June 2010 - No comments

    Information on the risks that exposure to benzodiazepines during pregnancy may have. With each pregnancy, all women have 3% to 5% chance of having a baby with a birth defect. This information should not take the place of medical care and advice from your doctor. Benzodiazepines are drugs used to treat anxiety, insomnia, seizures, muscle spasms, and the judgment of the alcohol. Valium (diazepam), Xanax (alprazolam), Klonopin (clonazepam), and Ativan (lorazepam) [...]

  • Female eating disorders

    Posted in - All, In the press - 8 June 2010 - No comments

    Bulimia, like anorexia are all eating disorders predominantly female. Bulimia has a peculiarity : taking benzodiazepines - (anxiolytics) alcohol and / or compulsive shopping. Linked to a major state of anxiety, these disorders also lead to risky behavior, as unprotected sex with multiple partners Read more feminine Addictions

  • Sport : a natural anxiolytic !

    Posted in - All, In the press - 8 June 2010 - No comments

    The anxiolytic effect of sport is immediate, unlike psychotropic medication to reduce anxiety, whose onset of action is at least thirty minutes, exercise causes a marked reduction and instantaneous electrical activity in muscles. Resulting in an immediate decrease in muscle tension, no side effects, or liver toxicity. The researchers also found that more than one person is anxious and tense, she withdraws more important benefits of the tranquilizing effect of the exercise. [...]

  • U.S. sales of alprazolam

    Posted in - All, In the press - 7 June 2010 - No comments

    benzodiazepine alprazolam is 44,4 million prescription in USA and is the twelfth of drug sales in this country. The monthly cost of treatment is generic 70 dollars. The anxiolytic was originally marketed by Upjohn and Pfizer under the name Xanax. Read more rank 15 the most prescribed treatments in the U.S. in 2010 :an excess of market 800 million prescriptions

  • Alcohol : the adolescent brain toast

    Posted in - All, In the press - 7 June 2010 - No comments

    Adolescents are also less susceptible to negative effects of acute alcohol consumption (as drowsiness), and very prone to anxiety. Results which suggest that some teens are using alcohol for its anxiolytic effects, This is confirmed by psychiatrists. "A U.S. study found that when alcohol begins before 18 years the risk of alcohol dependence is multiplied by 3.8 ", said Dr. Philip Arvers (Institute for Biomedical Research of the armed, Grenoble). Using the data from the French surveys, [...]

  • How to get rid of phobias

    Posted in - All, In the press - 6 June 2010 - No comments

    Comment vient-on à bout d'une phobie ? Peurs des araignées, des serpents, de la foulela phobie est la maladie psychologique la plus fréquente. 10 % de la population serait concernée. Ni caprice ni manque de maîtrise, elle est tout simplement incontrôlable. Les psychiatres distinguent plusieurs types de phobies : les phobies spécifiques et les phobies complexes. La phobie spécifique est une peur irraisonnée d'une chose ou d'une situation précise.
    Le plus souvent, il s'agit d'animaux (chiens, souris, araignées…), of [...]

  • Attention à l'automédication

    Posted in - All, In the press - 5 June 2010 - No comments

    71% des Français pratiqueraient l'automédication pour leurs maladies courantes comme un rhume, une migraine, des maux d'estomac… Ces médicaments n'en restent pas moins des produits actifs : Évitez l'automédication en cas d'affection de longue durée ou de maladies chroniques… Read more : SantéLes dangers de l'automédication

  • A shrink, yes, but which ?

    Posted in - All, In the press - 5 June 2010 - No comments

    Psychotherapy is often needed to overcome anxiety. Psychology focuses on understanding human behavior and psychology has great theoretical knowledge about interpersonal relationships and nervous system. It does not support or psychiatric illness depression (unless it is also a psychoanalyst or psychotherapist). Treatment can range from a few sessions to several years, depending on the condition… Read more : What psychological choose ?

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    ベンゾジアゼピン(ativan・ザナックス・クロノピン・バリウム等)の服用中や離脱の際には 、明らかに軽躁病の徴候/症状を引き起こすであろう。 医原性・レクリエーション による 薬剤誘発性の軽躁病に関連して、精神安定剤の依存性、精神安定剤の離脱や長期 ... read more


    この薬は、コントロールの不安助けることができる、患者を穏やかな感じすることができ ます。 いくつかのポピュラー抗不安薬はAtivan、ロラゼパム、ザナックス、および バリウムが含まれます。 誰もが不安に対処する、できるだけ早く治療を受ける必要が あります。 read more

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    ... 取って代わるべきではありません. ベンゾジアゼピンは、不安を治療するために使用 される薬剤である, 不眠症, 発作, 筋肉のけいれん, とアルコールの判断. バリウム ( ジアゼパム), ザナックス (アルプラゾラム), Klonopin (クロナゼパム), とAtivan ( ロラゼパム) [. read more

    躁病 - Wikipedia

    ベンゾジアゼピン系に加えて、非ベンゾジアゼピン系、(Buspar)ブスピロンは、全般性 不安障害に使用されます。 最もよく使用されるベンゾジアゼピン系は、(ザナックス) アルプラゾラムされ、ジアゼパム(バリウム)、ロラゼパム(Ativan)。 うつ病や不安障害 を ... read more

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